To use Route Checker, download and hosts, then do this: $ mkdir bin $ mv hosts bin $ chmod u+x bin/ $ mkdir test1 $ cd test1 $ ../bin/ This will create a new set of test results in the test1 folder. It usually takes 30 to 60 minutes to run a complete test. Feel free to create new test folders (test2, test3, or whatever you like) as desired. Route Checker depends on ping and tracepath. If your machine doesn't have tracepath, it might have traceroute or tracert. If so, modify accordingly. Route Checker (, the hosts file, and this README) were created by Denver Gingerich. Insofar as there is copyright in any of these works, they have been "licensed" under by Denver Gingerich. This is part of Route Checker v0.1. Any updates are likely to be posted at .